Care Management

When to hire a Care Manager

One may hire an Aging Life Care® professional for an aging parent or parents when family members live too far away to help. An overall assessment will be completed to identify current and ongoing care needs and how those can be addressed. Often, family members manage the care of their loved one until there is a change in their health or other crisis.

In short, caring for an aging adult can be a challenge, especially when we have our own families and careers. Hiring an Aging Life Care Professional, or Care Manager, is like hiring a daughter.

What does a Care Manager do?

Aging Life Care® professionals are trained to assist aging adults and their families with such challenges as medical and medication management and legal or financial issues. They provide “a holistic, client-centered approach to caring for aging adults or others facing ongoing health challenges.” Care Managers are advocates for their clients. From routine doctor visits to assessing and planning for long-term needs, a Care Manager manages the overall care of their clients. A Care Manager might visit the doctor with their client, much like a family member would. She ensures accurate information is conveyed to medical personnel, asks questions, and ensures the family or responsible party receives a report from the doctor’s visit. She is compassionate and treats your family member with the respect and understanding they deserve.

Responsible Parties

While the primary focus is on the client, having a close working relationship with the ‘responsible parties’—those who authorize and pay for the services—is crucial to the overall care of the aging client. These responsible parties are usually adult children of the client, but may also be a trust officer, attorney, professional guardian, or others. A Care Manager presents to the responsible parties the information gathered from medical professionals and healthcare facilities along with her assessment. She asks questions, offers advice, and when applicable, makes recommendations, all while being fiscally responsible. When decisions need to be made on the client’s behalf, the responsible parties will have the information they need to make those decisions.

Care Management Services

Below are some of the services that an Aging Life Care® Professional can provide.

  • Assessing, monitoring, and updating the responsible party on the client’s needs
  • Managing crises, safety concerns, or conflicts in the client’s life
  • Coordinating and advocating for the client’s medical concerns
    • scheduling appointments with doctors and specialists
    • accompanying client to the doctor
    • asking questions, helping the client understand
  • Providing support and services that preserve the client’s independence
  • Providing mental health referrals, counseling, and emotional support for the client
  • Providing impaired memory support and services
  • Assisting during emergencies
  • Facilitating communication among the client, family, and healthcare facilities
  • Assessing and planning for long-term needs
  • Recommending other service providers and participating in interviews
  • Coordinating and monitoring care between different providers
  • Managing medication
  • Managing transitions (e.g., hospital to rehab, rehab to home)

What a Care Manager does NOT Do

Aging Life Care® Professionals do not make decisions for their clients. They ask questions, provide information and make recommendations, but ultimately it is up to the clients and those responsible for them to make decisions.